Colecta Estatal Cruz Roja Nuevo León
Volunteers will be given a hand-held collection box “ánfora”. They will invite all passers by to donate for their cause: Cruz Roja needs 105 million pesos to cover yearly expenses. Every ambulance ride cost $1,500 pesos.
  • Ask for a donation to all drivers that pass by
  • Every cent counts for Cruz Roja Mexicana
  • Ask the Dama Voluntaria in charge for a new “ánfora”, you will sign in and at the end you will sing that you gave it back to the Dama Voluntaria. Every “ánfora” has a serial number.
  • Be on time at the place designated.
  • Be respectful with all possible donors
  • Bring jeans, white t-shirt and tennis shoes.
  • In-person meeting at school with Cruz Roja
  • Testifying that they have personal insurance and Cruz Mexicana is not responsible for any accident during fundraising.
  • Accept responsibility for the hand-held collection box “ánfora”.
Pueblo Serna - 5 volunteers
Cruz de Plata - 20 volunteers
Carls Jr - 4 volunteers
CSL Hours Depending on selected location for participation:
Pueblo Serena: 2 CSL hours
Cruz de Plata San Pedro: 3 CSL Hours
Carl’s Jr: 4 CSL Hours
Registration Opens May 5, 2023
Registration Closes May 8, 2023
Important Dates and Schedules
May 13 (Pueblo Serena): 5 - 7 PM
May 16 (Cruz de Plata San Pedro): 3 - 6 PM
May 28 (Carl’s JR - TEC): 1 - 4 PM